Curriculum and instruction, technology integration, XR technologies, creativity and innovation, collaboration and community, future directions in higher education


College of Education, University of Mary Washington (UMW), Fredericksburg, VA

University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA

2014 – Present: Professor
2007 – 2014: Associate Professor
2004 – 2007: Assistant Professor
2004 – 2007: Assistant Professor

  • Instruct students using innovative teaching methods and strategies.
  • Teach curriculum and instruction, foundations, classroom management, educational technology, cross-cultural education, freshman seminar, and educational research courses.
  • Supervise and evaluate student teachers through internships in K-12 schools.
  • Teach face-to-face, Web hybrid (blended), and fully online.
  • Advise graduate and undergraduate students on program completion.
  • Support graduate and undergraduate students on research projects.
  • Serve on College and University committees.
  • Participate in professional service and development activities.
  • Sabbatical Project completed 2016.
  • Conduct research on learning, teaching, and educational technology as cognitive tools.
  • Work with educational leaders and school systems in the community on curriculum, new initiatives, and best practices.

The Holton-Arms School, Bethesda, MD
1999 – 2003

Director of Instructional Technology
  • Oversaw the implementation and continued growth of academic uses of technology in grades 3-12
  • Responsible for strategic planning of technologies for grades 3-12 by managing and evaluating faculty, administering the technology budget, designing and managing teacher and staff professional development
  • Provided training to K-12 teachers in incorporating technology into their curriculum and instrucion
  • Assisted teachers in developing online courses in Blackboard.
Computer Science Department Chair and Teacher
  • Oversaw technology implementation and growth in grades 3-12.
  • Managed technology budget and provided professional development.
  • Designed and delivered technology integration training to K-12 teachers and developed online courses.
  • Chaired Computer Science Department ensuring curriculum continuity.
  • Taught computer science courses to high school students and developed instructional materials.
  • Participated in professional development activities using adult learning principles and served on school committees.


Doctor of Philosophy in Education

  • Dissertation: Online Professional Development: Transferring Skills Learned to the Classroom

Master of Arts in Education
College of Education, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Hood College, Frederick, MD


Book Publications

Coffman, T. Through the Educative Lens: A Journey into Mindful Photography (2024). (M.B. Klinger, Ed.). Kindle Edition.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2024). The new normal in education: Moving forward with social, cultural, and technological advances (Working title). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Coffman, T. (2017). Designing instruction to promote higher level thinking. (3rd Ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Coffman, T. (2013). Using inquiry in the classroom: Developing creative thinkers and information literate students. (2nd Ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Coffman, T. (2009). Engaging students through inquiry-oriented learning and technology. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Chapter Publications

Coffman, T. (2021). Ethical and legal issues in education. In M. Wells & C. Clayton (Eds.), Foundations of Education. Fairfax, VA: Virginia’s Academic Library Consortium (VIVA).

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2019). Mobile technologies for making meaning in education: Using augmented reality to connect learning. In A.F. Baruch & H.M Tal (Eds.). Mobile Technologies in Educational Organizations. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Klinger M.B. & Coffman, T. (2019). Transforming the classroom experience through transhumanism: Education as the learning organization. In Sisman-Ugur, S. & Kuruback, G. (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Learning in the Age of Transhumanism. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2013). Managing quality in online education. In G. Eby, & T. Yuzer (Eds.). Project Management Approaches for Online Learning Design. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Klinger, M.B. & Coffman, T. (2012). Building knowledge through dynamic meta-communication. In G. Kuruback, U. Demiray & T. V.Yuzer  (Eds.). Meta-communication for reflective online conversations: Models for distance education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Klinger, M.B. & Coffman, T. (2011). Emphasizing diversity through 3D multi-user virtual worlds. In G. Kuruback & T. V.Yuzer  (Eds.). Handbook of research on transformative online education and liberation: Models for social equality. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Coffman, T. (2010). How can I use technology in student assessment? In S. Houff (Ed.). The classroom facilitator: Special issue questions. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Refereed Journals Articles

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2014, July-September). Collaboration and communication in the online classroom through a brain-based approach. International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development, 6(3), 42-52DOI: 10.4018/ijicthd.2014070104.

Houff, S. & Coffman, T. (2011, Spring). 21st Century teaching: Enhancing student learning and assessment through technology. Virginia Educational Leadership, 8(1), 61-76.

Coffman, T., Wiedel, P. & Rollins, L. (2008, Fall). Technology resource teachers’ (TRT) role in teacher professional development. Virginia Society for Supervision and Curriculum Development (VASCD). Virginia Educational Leadership Journal, 6(1), 53-61.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2007, July). Utilizing virtual worlds in education: The implications for practice. International Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 29-33.

Coffman, T., Campbell, A., Heller, E., Horney, E.M. & Slater, L.P. (2007). The new literacy crisis: Immigrants teaching natives in the digital age. Virginia Society for Technology in Education, 21(6).

Coffman, T. (2006, Summer). Using simulations to enhance teaching and learning: Encouraging the creative process. Virginia Society for Technology in Education, 21(2).

Coffman, T. (2005, Spring/Summer). Weblogs and wikis in the classroom. Virginia Society for Technology in Education, 19(2).

Refereed Published Proceedings (National and International)

Coffman, T. (2024). Using virtual reality as an immersive tool in higher education. In Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 896 – 905). Belgium: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Coffman, T. (2022). Online discussions and perusall: Building deeper knowledge, expanding collaboration, and increasing community engagement. In L. Langran & D. Henriksen (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE Interactive Conference (pp. 28-31). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Coffman, T. (2021). Supporting teacher educators as they grow in academia & teaching practice: A whole-community approach. In E. Langran & D. Rutledge (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE Interactive Conference (pp. 118-123). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Coffman, T. (2020). PK-12 online teacher training in the COVID-19 world. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of SITE Interactive 2020 Online Conference (pp. 175-179). Association for the Advancement of Computing n Education.

Coffman, T. (2020). Using inquiry in blended learning. In Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 976-984). The Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Coffman, T. (2018). Using microblogging as a cognitive tool in the college classroom. In E. Langran & J. Borup (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. (pp. 832-839). Washington, D.C.: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2016). Encouraging innovation through active learning and community building. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016. (pp. 166-172). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Coffman T. & Klinger, M.B. (2015). Google Glass: Using wearable technologies to enhance teaching and learning. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015. (pp. 1625-1628). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2014). 21st century pedagogy: Utilizing simulations for innovative teaching. In M. Searson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2014. (pp. 1665-1668). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Houff, S., Klinger, M.B., & Coffman, T. (2013). Using brain-based learning strategies in the classroom. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013. (pp. 2060-2069). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Coffman, T. (2012, November). Embedding global education using educational technologies. In Proceedings of Global Learn 2012. (pp. 203-208). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Coffman, T. & Huffman, J. (2012, March). Creating a quality framework for online courses. In P. Resta (Ed.) Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2012. (pp. 270-273). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. 

Invited Publications

Coffman, T. (2021, July). States with the best & worst school systems. In A. McCann (Ed.). Ask the Experts.

Coffman, T. (2020, August). States with the most & least equitable school districts. In A. McCann (Ed.). Evolution Finance.

Coffman, T. (2009, May). Getting to the heart of technology integration: Virginia’s instructional technology resource program. International Society for Technology Education (ISTE). Learning and Leading with Technology, 36(7), 20-23.


Invited Regional, National, and International Presentations

Coffman, T. (2024, February). Using VR in the classroom. Maker Mindset 2024 Conference. University of Mary Washington. Fredericksburg, VA.

Coffman, T. (2019, November). Inquiry-based learning: Promoting critical thinking and reflection through technology. Learning How to Learn: Applying Learning Sciences for Deeper Reasoning, Retention, and Reflection. Learning & the Brain Conference. Boston, MA.

Coffman, T. (2016, June). Stimulate creative thinking and learning with technologies. Professional Development Workshop. The Commonwealth Governor’s School, Fredericksburg, VA.

Coffman, T., Simpson, M., & Hilland, C. (2015, June). Thinking entrepreneurially: Using innovation and creativity. Innovative Entrepreneurship Panel Discussion. College of Southern Maryland. La Plata, MD.

Coffman, T. (2015, May). OK, Glass: Using technology in education to support innovative learning and develop creative thinkers. UMW Reunion Weekend, University of Mary Washington. Fredericksburg, VA.

Coffman. T, Copenhaver, J., & Nemerow, D. (2015, March). Critical to creative/innovative thinking. Virtual Panel Discussion: Leadership and Innovation in the Commonwealth. Co-sponsored by the Virginia Society for Technology in Education (VSTE) and the Virginia Department of Education.

Coffman, T. (2014, May). Brains, inquiry & technology: Developing creative thinkers and a thinking curriculum. Science of Smarter Minds: Teaching to Think, Create and Innovation. Learning & the Brain Conference. New York, NY.

Presentations – Refereed

Coffman, T. (2024). Using virtual reality as an immersive tool in higher education. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) EdMedia Conference. Brussels.

Coffman, T. (2022, October). Online discussions and Perusall: Building deeper knowledge, expanding collaboration, and increasing community engagement. SITE Interactive 2022 Conference. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. Virtual.

Coffman, T. (2021, October). Supporting teacher educators as they grow in academia & teaching practice: A whole-community approach. SITE Interactive 2021 Online Conference. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education.

Coffman, T. (2020, October). PK-12 online teacher training in the COVID-19 world. SITE Interactive 2020 Online Conference. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education.

Coffman, T. (2020, June). Using inquiry in blended learning. EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2020 Conference Online. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Coffman, T. (2018, September). Social media impact on student cognition and social-emotional health (Round Table Discussion). Social Media, Smart Technology, and Student Wellness Conference. Virginia Educational Research Association (VERA) Annual Meeting. Charlottesville, VA.

Coffman, T. (2018, March). Using microblogging as a cognitive tool in the college classroom. 29th International Conference SITE 2018, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. Washington, DC.

Coffman, T & Klinger, M.B. (2017, October) Microblogging: Enhancing teaching and learning for 21st century skills. Magna Teaching with Technology Conference. Baltimore, MD.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2017). Encouraging innovation using active learning: An inquiry-based approach. Innovations Conference. The League for Innovation. San Francisco, CA.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2016). Authentic learning experiences to build community in the blended classroom. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2016. Washington, D.C.

Coffman, T. (2016, March). Encouraging innovation through active learning and community building. 27th International Conference SITE 2016, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education.  Savannah, GA.

Coffman, T. & Meadows, G. (2015, September). New tools for collaborative concept mapping: Interactive whiteboards, large format tablets, & online collaboration. 2015 Symposium on Applied Concept Mapping: Taking Stock of Applied Concept Mapping. Fredericksburg, VA.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2015, March). Google Glass: Using wearable technologies to enhance teaching and learning. 26th International Conference SITE 2015, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. Las Vegas, NV.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2015, January). Creative thinking for the 21st century. 25th Annual Conference Association of Faculties for Advancement of Community College Teaching. Westminster, MD.

Coffman, T. (2014, December). Teaching through Google Glass. Virginia Society for Technology in Education (VSTE) Conference. Virginia Beach, VA.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2014, May). Innovative pedagogy: Embedding 21st century skills. National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence, Austin, TX.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2014, March). 21st century pedagogy: Utilizing simulations for innovative teaching. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2014. Jacksonville, FL.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2014, May). Innovative pedagogy: Embedding 21st century skills. National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence, Austin, TX.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2013, June). Using brain-based learning strategies in the classroom. EdMedia World Conference on Educational Media & Technology. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) International Conference. Victoria, BC, Canada.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2013, April). Using brain-based learning to promote student success. 6th Annual Student Success Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. College of Southern Maryland. La Plata, MD.

Coffman, T. (2012, December). Teacher Spot (TSPOT): Using professional learning communities (PLCs) in education. Virginia Society for Technology in Education. VSTE 2012 Annual Conference. Virginia Beach, VA.

Coffman, T. (2012, November). Embedding global education using educational technologies. Global Learn 2012. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Online.

Greenlaw, S., Groom, J., Burtis, M., Coffman, T., Huffman, J., MacEwen, D., Och, M., Szulczewski, M., Heffner, A., & Rallis, D. (2012, May). Designing from values: Online learning in the liberal arts & sciences tradition. University of Mary Washington Faculty Academy 2012. Fredericksburg, VA.

Coffman, T., Ames, L, Rycroft, R., Heffner, A., Gomez, G., Hawkinson-Melkun, C., & Huffman, J.

(2012, May). The good, the bad, and the ugly: Navigating the LMS with Canvas summer pilot testers. University of Mary Washington Faculty Academy 2012. Fredericksburg, VA.

Carter, S., Coffman, T., Streich, J., & Wood, E. (2012, March). Technology panel: Teaching in an online environment. Association of Teacher Educators in Virginia (ATE-VA) Spring 2012 Conference. Sweet Briar, VA.

Coffman, T. & Huffman, J. (2012, March). Creating a quality framework for online courses. SITE 2012-Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Austin, TX.

Coffman, T. (2011, December). Designing instruction for thinking. Virginia Society for Technology in Education. VSTE Annual Technology in Education Conference. Roanoke, VA.

Houff, S. & Coffman, T. (2011, April). Enhancing student learning through technology-based assessment. Association of Teacher Educators in Virginia (ATE-VA) Spring 2011 Conference. Sweet Briar, VA.

Coffman, T. (2010, December). Network to learn: Developing a personal learning network (PLN). Virginia Society for Technology in Education. VSTE’s 25th Annual Technology in Education Conference.  Hampton Roads, VA.

Greenlaw, S., Asper, J., Coffman, T, & McAllister, M. (2010, May). Is course design only for online courses? University of Mary Washington Faculty Academy 2010. Fredericksburg, VA.

Horne, E.M., Coffman, T., Campbell, A., Heller, E. & Slater, L.P. (2010, March). The new literacy crisis: Immigrants teaching natives in the digital age. Capital Region Society for Technology in Education (CRSTE) CyberConference 2010.

Coffman, T. (2009, October). Using Web 2.0 for 21st century skills: Teaching through inquiry. 15th Annual Virginia Educational Technology Conference, Richmond, VA.

Coffman, T., Wiedel, P. & Rollins, L. (2008, December). Technology resource teachers (TRT) role in teacher professional development. (Post-research presentation). Virginia Society for Supervision and Curriculum Development (VASCD) Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Burtis, M., Campbell, G., Coffman, T., Fallace, T., Giancarlo, L., McNulty, T., Rizzo, B., & Parsons, C. (2008, May). A conversation with the University committee on digital initiatives. University of Mary Washington Faculty Academy 2008. Fredericksburg, VA.

Huffman, J. & Coffman, T. (2008, April). Professional development collaboratives to meet 21st century goals.

Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Conference, Amherst, VA. Association of Teacher Educators in Virginia (ATE-VA) Spring 2018 Conference & Virginia Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (VACTE) Annual Conference, Amherst, VA.

Coffman, T. (2007, December). Technology resource teachers’ (TRT) role in teacher professional development. (Grant recipient – pre-research presentation). Virginia Society for Supervision and Curriculum Development (VASCD) Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Coffman, T., Campbell, A., Jaspin, J.M., Melton, B., Miller, M. & Wick, V. (2007, February). Technology and meaningful learning. Virginia Department of Education’s Annual Leadership Conference, Roanoke, VA.

Coffman, T. (2006, December). On the road to meaningful learning… through technology integration. Virginia Department of Education’s Annual Leadership Conference, Roanoke, VA.

Ackermann, E., Coffman, T., Giancarlo, L., Greenlaw, S., Killian, M., McClurken, J., O’Donnell, T., Pearce, J., Rao, A., Rotter, M. & Stull, G. (2006, May).  A conversation about blogging at UMW. University of Mary Washington Faculty Academy 2006.

Brooks, G., Ames, L., Hawkinson-Melkun, C., Coffman, T. & Teabo, S. (2006, May). Experiences using electronic portfolios for learning. University of Mary Washington Faculty Academy 2006. Fredericksburg, VA.

Ames, L., Teabo, S., Coffman, T., Hawkinson-Melkun, C., & Brooks, G. (2006, April). Experiences using electronic portfolios for learning. Association of Collegiate Computing Services Annual Conference, Charlottesville, VA.

Coffman, T. (2006, March). Blogs, wikis, and podcasting in the classroom. Virginia Society for Technology in Education. 2006 VSTE Conference/20th Annual State Technology Conference.  Roanoke, VA.

Coffman, T. & Klinger, M.B. (2006, January). Blogs and wikis: Environments for online communications. Instructional Design Affinity Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Coffman, T. (2005, July). Finding visual information online. Visual Spatial Conference, University of Mary Washington. Fredericksburg, VA.

Ackermann, E., Coffman, T. & Cooke, K. (2005, May). Grading and evaluating non-print materials and projects. University of Mary Washington Faculty Academy 2005. Fredericksburg, VA.

Ackermann, E., Coffman, T., Campbell, G. & Cooke, K. (2005, May). Blogging in teaching and learning. University of Mary Washington Faculty Academy 2005. Fredericksburg, VA.


Honors and Awards

Coffman, T. (2023). Graduate Faculty Award. University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA.

Coffman, T. (2014). VSTE Innovative Educator of the Year Award. Virginia Society for Technology in Education, Richmond, VA.

Coffman, T. (2008). Faculty Achievement Award. University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA.


Coffman, T. (2023) Creative Ambassador Program. Zoe Immersive.

Coffman, T. (2014, Spring). Awarded to explore how wearable technologies (GoogleGlass) can be integrated into teaching and student learning. College of Education Faculty Research Grant.

Coffman, T. & Houff, S. (2012, April). Awarded to examine experiential learning and enhance teaching practices for CoE faculty through technology integration. College of Education Faculty Research Grant.

Coffman, T. (2011, June). 2011 EdTech Conference at UMW. E-Instruction Grant.

Coffman, T. & Huffman, J. (2011, Spring). Awarded to develop EDCI 506, Foundations of American Education as an online course. 2010-2011 Model Online Course Grant.

Coffman, T. & Houff, S. (2009, Fall). Promoting the use of technology for content delivery and formative and summative assessment. Teaching Fellowship Grant.

Coffman, T. (2008-2009). Role-play for pre-service teachers in SecondLife. Faculty Development Grant.

Coffman, T., Rollins, L., & Wiedel, P. (2007-2008). A study on teacher technology professional development in the Stafford County school system. $10,000 Research Grant awarded by the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (VASCD).

Coffman, T. & Sheckels, M.P. (2007). Program in secondary mathematics education. Joint Faculty Grant.

Coffman, T. (2005). Simulations in the classroom. Faculty Development Grant.


  • Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
  • Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) (
  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
  • Virginia Society for Technology in Education (VSTE) (2004-present)
  • Association for Educational Communications and Technology



  • Peer reviewer for Multimedia Comprehension through Cambridge University Press (Completed: 2022)
  • Peer reviewer for three chapters in text entitled, Handbook of Research on Learning in the Age of Transhumanism Editors: Sisman-Ugur & G. Kurubacak. (Published: 2019)
  • Peer reviewer for American Education, 18th edition textbook through Routledge Books, New York, NY. (Completed: 2018)
  • Peer reviewer for new education text for designing instruction through Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, MD. (Completed: November 2013)
  • Editorial Advisory Board member and peer reviewer for two chapters in text entitled, Handbook of research on project management: Approaches for online learning design. Editors: T.V. Yuzer & G. Kurubacak. (Published: 2013)
  • Peer reviewer for Instructional Design textbook through Routledge Books, New York, NY. (Completed: November 2011)
  • Peer reviewer for two chapters in textbook entitled, Meta-communication for reflective online conversations: Models for distance education. Editors: T.V. Yuzer, G. Kurubacak, & U. Demiray. (Published: 2011)
  • Peer reviewer for chapter in textbook entitled, Teaching and learning in 3D immersive worlds: Pedagogical models and constructivist approaches. Editors: A. Cheney & R. Sanders. (Completed: March 2011)
  • Editorial Advisory Board member and peer reviewer for two chapters in textbook entitled, Handbook of research on transformative online education and liberation: Models for social equality. Editors: Kurubacak & T.V. Yuzer. (Published: 2010)


  • Editorial Board Member for the Journal Preparing All Teacher Educators to Support Teacher Candidates’ Integration of Technology (2019-present)
  • Editorial Board Member/Reviewer for the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. (2018-present)
  • Editorial Board Member/Reviewer for Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE) Journal (Current Practices). (2014-present)
  • Peer Reviewer for the Journal of Online Learning Research. (2014-present)
  • Peer Reviewer for The Teacher Educators Journal (ATE-VA). (2012-present)
  • Peer Reviewer for the International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD). (2013)
  • Journal Peer Reviewer for Virginia Society for Technology in Education (VSTE). (2006-2008)
  • EDUCAUSE Journal Peer Reviewer. (2006-2007)


  • Program Committee Member/Research Paper Review, SITE 2024 Conference, Las Vegas, NV
  • Program Committee Member/Research Paper Review, SITE 2023 Conference, New Orleans, LA
  • Program Committee Member/Research Paper Review, SITE 2022 Conference, Online
  • Program Committee Member/Research Paper Review, SITE 2021 Conference, Online
  • Program Committee Member/Research Paper Reviewer, SITE 2018 Conference, Washington, D.C.
  • Program Committee Member/Research Paper Reviewer, SITE 2017 Conference, Austin, TX
  • Program Committee Member/Research Paper Reviewer, SITE 2016 Conference, Savannah, GA
  • Program Committee Member/Research Paper Reviewer, Global Learn 2016 Conference, Limerick, Ireland
  • Research Paper Reviewer for ISTE 2012 Technology in Education Conference, San Diego, CA
  • Research Paper Reviewer for ISTE 2011 Technology in Education Conference, Philadelphia, PA
  • Paper Reviewer for 2008 Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) National Conference
  • EDUCAUSE Conference Reviewer 2006-2007

Faculty Professional Development


  • CITI Training for Human Research & IRB, 2022
  • Yearly Security Awareness and Cybersecurity Training (2018-2024)
  • OER Workshop, UMW Libraries (2022)
  • What is Social Justice Listening Session (2022)
  • UMW Academy 2021: Exhale (2021)
  • Civility in the Workplace (2021)
  • Micro-Aggressions (2021)
  • Unconscious Bias (2021)
  • Security Awareness and Cybersecurity Training (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
  • ReFocus Online, Center for Teaching (2020)
  • Student Success Training (2018)
  • Title IX Training (2018)
  • Giving Day Ambassador Training (2018)
  • Internet Security Training (2013, 2014, 2015)
  • Sexual Abuse Training (2014, 2015)
  • Canvas Training (2012, 2015)
  • Online Distance Learning Workshops (2011)
  • Best Practices to Teaching Online (2010)
  • Using and Improving Facilitative Skills in the Classroom (2009)
  • GIS in the Classroom (2007)
  • Creation of a Blended Learning Module (2007)
  • Blogs and Wikis in the Classroom (2005)

Outside the University

  • VR Development: Building and Maintaining a Narrative in Virtual World Building, SITE SIG-XR Webinar, 2024
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality course through MIT xPro (2023)
  • Smithsonian National Education Summit (2023)
  • Course Here Education Summit (2023)
  • International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) (2023)
  • AI Exploration in the K-6 Classroom: Using AR/VR with Young Learners, ISTE (2023)
  • How should we define culture in research? AECT (2023)
  • Culture, Learning & Technology (CLT) Opens Up About Cross-cultural Equity Leadership: A
  • Community of Practice Approach to Professional Development, AECT (2023)
  • Building Capacity & Leveraging Technologies in STEM Education Research, NSF (2022)
  • Teaching & Learning in a Diverse Classroom, edX (2022)
  • Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (2014, 2021, 2022)
  • REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit Conference (2021)
  • Equity in Diversity in Teaching and Learning Conference (2021)
  • Becoming a More Equitable Educator: Mindsets and Practices, edX (2021)
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competence Training (2021)
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching: How to Improve Your Impact in the Physical or Virtual Classroom, Education Week (2020)
  • Teaching Online: A Step-by-Step Course to Launch and Lead an Equitable Online Classroom, The Leading Equity Center (2020)
  • The Impact of COVID-19 Recovery Plans on our Students and Teachers, Classroom 2.0 (2020)
  • Educator Preparation and Fall 2020 School Reopening/Operating Guidance, VPEL/ ATE-VA/ VACTE Webinar (2020)
  • Human Research IRB Training course, CITI Program (2019)
  • Design Thinking for Leading and Learning course, edX (2019)
  • Learning How to Learn; Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Tough Subjects, Coursera (2019)
  • Upgrade Your Teaching: Understanding by Design Meets Neuroscience, ASCD Webinar(2019)
  • Teaching an Introductory Coding Unit Webinar, littleBits Education (2018)
  • 15th Annual AERA Brown Lecture in Education Research (2018)
  • National Science Foundation ERA Forum Webinar (2018)
  • How Hate Speech Complicates Our Understanding of Bullying, Intl Bullying Prevention Association (2018)
  • Enhancing Relationships through Modern Technology Tools, Classroom 2.0 (2018)
  • How to Combine Coding & STEAM, littleBits Education (2017)
  • Developing your PLN in a Virtual World, VSTE (2017)
  • The Teaching Professor Conference (2016)
  • Teaching Literacy with and Through Technology, Boston University Learn Canvas (2016)
  • BlendKit2016: Becoming a Blended Learning Designer, Instructure (2016)
  • BlendKit2015: Becoming a Blended Learning Designer, Instructure (2015)
  • Gets Game Webinar, Instructure (2014)
  • The Science of Smarter Minds: Teaching to Think, Create and Innovate for School and Careers, 38th Learning & the Brain Conference (2014)
  • International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence: NISOD Conference (2014)
  • Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility in the Classroom: ACBSP Annual Conference (2013)
  • Preparing to Implement the New Teacher Evaluation Model: Learning Forward Virginia Conference (2012)
  • Professional Learning Communities: Learning Forward Virginia Conference (2011)
  • Web-connected Minds: How Technology Transforms Brains, Teaching and Attention. 32nd Learning & the Brain Conference (2012)
  • Blended Learning Symposium through Spotsylvania County Schools (2011)
  • Global Symposium through the Capital Region Society for Technology in Education (CRSTE) (2010)
  • Strategies for Educational Assessment through EdTech Connect featuring Chris Dede (2010)


Last Updated May 17, 2024